JCARA, Inc. Club Minutes - July, 2015 Minutes  


Meeting called to Order by President Charlie, N2PKW
Prayer led by Chaplain Chuck, N9RRI
Pledge of Allegiance led by Charlie, N2PKW

Program:  Chris, K5MOZ  gave the date and times:   August 8, 9:00 a.m. to 9 p.m.. of the SET (Simulated Emergecy Test).  He stressed accurate record keeping of check–in's by our official Net Controllers..  The scenario is, to date, unknown.  There will be Message Trafficking both into and out from our County but will stay within State Boundaries.

Officers Absent:  Past President Kurt, K5KDO

Quorum Declared

Visitors:  Craig Warnol, KO5S:  Wanda Chatel

Sick Call:  Nick, K5BQJ Root Canal and hand injury

Secretarial Report by Valerie, N9RQX:  Motion to Accept by Dan, AE5JG;  Seconded by Chuck, N9RRI; Motion Carried.

Treasurer's Report by Charlie, AG5CC:  Motion to accept by Richard, AF5AQ;  Seconded by Dan, AE5JG; Motion Carried.

Old Business:

1.  Trailer Report:  Chairman Larry, K5LGP stated that Trailer #1 is operational and ready to go, except for cosmetic touch ups.  For trailer #2, an emergency back up repeater is envisioned.
2.  VE Activity:  None
3.  Hamfest: Chris, K5MOZ stated that we are finally approved and sanctioned by the ARRL for the Hamfest in November.  The dates, November 20th and 21st have been approved and recorded.   For Hamfest prizes, Richard, AF5AQ has gotten us a great deal on three rigs.  They are Icom IC718 HF, IC2730A, a dual band mobile and IC2300H, a 2 meter mobile. The order is to be placed quickly.
4.  Classes:   Thursday, July 30th, classes start for Technician and General at MGCCC (Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College).  Please contact Charlie, N2PKW if you're interested, or just show up.

Next Meeting will be at the St. Martin Community Center, Tuesday, August 25th.

New Business:

1.  Katrina 10th Anniversary Event, August 29th will be held by 10 stations along the coast.  Operations will start at noon on August 26 and end on September 2nd.  Special Event call signs have been assigned to the various locations.  This will be an HF activity.  For more information, contact Don, KA5DON. He is usually on our Club's Net at 8:00 p.m.  Secretary's note:  Please follow Net Protocol.
2.  Dan, AE5JG is still receiving QSL cards from the Round Island Event, October, 2013.
3.  It was generally accepted, our Club needs a Publicity Director to promote our Club activities to the public and to maintain a contact point with the media.  Chris, K5MOZ is already in a position to handle the media during a crisis.
4.  Rod, KC5LCW asked the Club to remember that, according to the by-laws, the Offices of President and Vice President must be vacated this year.  Nominations are held in October and elections are held in November.  Anyone seeking a position on the Board, please see Rod.

President Charlie, N2PKW called for a Motion to Adjourn;  Motion accepted by Dan, AE5JG;  Seconded by Chuck, N9RRI;  Motion Carried;  Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted by

Valerie, N9RQX
JCARA, Inc. Club Secretary